Learning Unity — Introduction To Post-Processing In Unity

In the last article, we learned how to combine static and animated sprites to make more interesting game objects. In this article, we’re going to be taking an introductory look at post-processing in Unity.
What is post-processing?
Post-processing is the term used for the process of applying filters and effects to an image before it is displayed to the user. Typically in a video game, an image will be rendered based on what the user is meant to see — the visible objects and characters, the lighting, and so on. Once this image is rendered, post-processing may then be applied to that image, rendering a new image. This new image is then sent to the user’s display.
The idea is to use various techniques to either improve the quality or add an artistic flair to the visuals.
What can we do with post-processing?
With post-processing, we can very easily make dramatic changes to the look and feel of our games by just configuring settings in the Unity Editor. Here are some examples of effects Unity post-processing is capable of:
- Ambient Occlusion: Ambient occlusion darkens areas in a scene that are not exposed to ambient lighting.
- Color Adjustments: Color adjustments alter the overall color, brightness, or contrast of the image.

- Depth of Field: Depth of field simulates the concept of focusing on an object at a certain distance, making other objects either nearer or farther from that object appear blurred.
- Eye Adaptation: Eye adaptation simulates the effect in a viewer when moving from a very bright area to a very dark area, or vice versa.
- Motion Blur: Motion blur simulates the effect that occurs when objects being filmed are moving faster than the exposure time, creating a blurring effect on the objects in motion.

- Anti-Aliasing: Anti-aliasing is designed to create a smoother appearance in graphics by making jagged lines appear blurrier.
- Fog: Fog mimics the appearance of fog or mist in an image.

- Bloom: Bloom makes bright areas in an image glow, creating the illusion of a bright light that overwhelms the viewer.
- Grain: Grain simulates the visual texture of photographic film, creating a visual “noise” in the image.

- Vignette: Vignette is an effect that darkens the edges of an image.
As you can see, post-processing is capable of some very visually impressive effects that can really take a game to the next level. Now that we’ve gotten an introduction to what post-processing is and can do, in the next article we’ll be discussing how to get started with it in Unity. Until then, good luck and happy coding!